First off, if this is your first visit to this blog, I'd like to wish you a warm welcome and hope you enjoy your visit! Now for a little info about this little blog of mine.....
The Contemporary Night Owl was a blog created by me a little over a year ago, but has sat in mothballs ever since. At the time, I had a whole different purpose and scope in mind for it as well as a whole different topic. However, those original plans fizzled out and I've been contemplating what to do with this blog ever since. That is, until now.
I've now relaunched TCNO in the hopes of creating an entertaining and informative blog that explores pop culture and contemporary trends and events around the world, both past and present. Hopefully I'll succeed in my endeavors and if so, the late-night hours I've sat up writing these blog posts just might be worth it.:-D
Anyway, feel free to read any of the posts here and if you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them wherever appropriate. I always appreciate a little feedback!
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A New Beginning